Saturday, July 30, 2005

Seeds of the Buddhist Reformation

American women redefine Buddhism, yeeehaaaw!

Real Eyes picked up the latest issue of Shambhala Sun in the check out line the other day. Why? I couldn’t figure, yet events proceed to unfold around it.

Late last night, surfing with no particular goal, I came upon this book “The Shadow of the Dalai Lama”

This morning I’m reading this article “How American Women are Changing Buddhism” (read exerpt here) by Rita M. Gross in Shambhala Sun.

She addresses a long list of limitations bestowed onto women practicing Buddhism. She then goes on to reveal that pioneering women practitioners are in the act of creating a gender-neutral and gender-free way of understanding and practicing Buddhism.

Sound great, although everybody knows its practically a sysiphean task to reform patriarchal anything. Still, these women are modern day Don Quixotes, tilting windmills – using the middle path as torque to spin the swastikas onto the fertile grounds of peace.
Too cool fer school!

There is hope for humanity.


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